Kotex Campaign

Tampon campaign geared towards trans men.

The Project:

This was a class project assigned to me in 2020. The assignment was to take a product, and sell it to a different audience.

I decided to tackle the issue of tampons. Tampons are usually marketed towards women, they have pink flowers, soft shapes, and bright imagery. However, women aren't the only ones getting their periods. many non-binary people, and especially trans men, are still getting their periods. Why should this necessary product be associated with a certain gender? I wanted to create a campaign and branding that would specifically target trans men and eliminated the stigma around still having a period.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

Duration: One Month

Assignment: Sell a product to a completely different demographic than the one it is usually marketed to.


Tampon Marketing

Why are tampons marketed as so girly?

As a product that is usually considered for women, tampons are usually marketed in a way that would entice and attract women. Most tampon boxes have at least some pink in it, with swirls and curvy imagery. The boxes also often include wording that is only appropriate for women. Even the more indirect wording such as “tampax pearl” is a term that appeals more to women and excludes trans men and nonbinary people who get their periods.


Who is our audience?

Target Users:

The target audience was young trans and transitioning men.

Noel Hamilton


Noel is a Freelance Designer based in Santa Monica. They like watching Netflix with their girlfriend Sara, Long walks, taco stands, thrift stores, and going to the comedy club.

Noel came out as non-binary last year, and their friends and family have been very receptive. Although Noel has no problem purchasing tampons, they wish they were more gender inclusive.

Chris Steele


Chris works as an office assistant for the city of Chicago. He likes going to bars, making fancy dinners at home, going to concerts, and beer tasting, and taking pictures.

Chris tries not to think about his life pre-transition due to a hard childhood. He's only been able to recently medically transition, and hates buying tampons due to their feminine appearance.

Alex O'Brien


Alex is a grad student studying Physical Therapy at Columbia University. He likes raves, writing, listening to electronic music, Korean Barbecue, and watching horror movies with friends.

Alex started his physical transition when he was a junior in college. He has still not lost his period, and hates purchasing tampons because it makes him uncomfortable in the store.

Competitor Research:

I researched brands that would appeal to the target demographic I had created. In that way, I could see what they liked and enjoyed, and use their branding and marketing to  inform my own ideas for the campaign.

I decided to create moodboard for each interest.


Branding Moodboard

Self Care

Packaging Moodboard


Persona Moodboard


Gender Neutral Branding

This product will be the exact same, but the marketing will be different. I want to redesign the Kotex marketing to the trans male audience. Instead of flowery soft patterns and purple and pinkish colors, I want to make it more gender neutral, leaning into male. However, I don’t think that traditionally male targeted packaging actually attracts the trans male audience. Traditional male packaging usually puts toxic masculinity front and center by trying to be as “manly” and “strong” as possible whilst using mostly unattractive designs. I will focus on a minimal, gender neutral design that can attract a general audience. My campaign will also include interesting shapes and color that will mimic the current tampon packaging design, but give a more masculine feel that is absent in the most other Kotex packges. I want to put front and center primary colors, mixing traditionally male and female colors to create a more active design. The shapes will be sharp with softer edges. I want it to be able to have a powerful statement, without over exerting its power.


04/ Deliverables

It's called MEN-Stration


Print Layout

Instagram Posts

Wild Posters

Style Guide

Thanks for checking out my work!

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to chat about potential opportunities, or just grab coffee!
Clara Miller - 2022